August is quite possibly my least favorite month. For those heat-lovers out there, I know that sounds crazy, but the heat and humidity really bug me. My second least favorite month is actually a combo of two months - it's the four week stretch that encompasses late February and early March (unless, of course, early March is unseasonably pretty).
So, we aren't outside as much as usual these days. When we are out on really icky days, we're at the pool or it's after dinnertime. You might think nature study had gone out with the rising temps, but we have a few tricks to get our nature study in an air-conditioned, climate controlled environment :) From this location, we are able to watch goldfinches gather nesting materials and seeds, songbirds bathe and drink, hummingbirds feed from our nectar sources and feeder, and butterflies flit to and fro... right in our comfy, cool house!
Our Nature Window!!!
This window looks out at our backyard from our family room. We've arranged the furniture so the window is accessible - even for our littlest guy. Yikes - very dark photo - sorry!
In subsequent posts, I hope to follow up on how exactly we have used this space outside our Nature Window. For now, I'll just include one more picture to get your mind thinking on how you might be able to use a similar space in your own yard. You can click on it to make it a little bigger :)

Now, off to the pool! :)