Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival: Cabin Fever Edition

Welcome to The Ninth Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival -

Cabin Fever Edition!

Is it happening to you, too? Cabin fever? Are you staring out your windows at a deceptively sunny day (deceptive because the windchill is in the single digits???). Have your kiddos been congested and feverish like mine, too? Completely unable to play outdoors? As a result, have you been stuck inside for almost three weeks straight? Aaaaaaah! Someone please skip ahead to April!

I guess sitting around moping isn't doing any of us any good, though. We have to find a way (or several ways) around this Cabin Fever! Some of our blogging pals have some great ideas to help us do just that :) As long as you're stuck indoors anyway, you might as well use the time well! From watercolors to handicrafts, there's always something of interest to be found in a Charlotte Mason education. I hope these posts add a little warmth and encouragement to your day!


Continuing nature study throughout the cold spells can help your four walls feel a little wider. With so much winter nature to explore, you may actually come to enjoy these frosty days! Barb presents The Heart of Harmony - Learning from Plants Year Round posted at The Heart of Harmony.

To help you out with approaching that study, Barb also presents Handbook of Nature Study: Friend or Foe? posted at Handbook of Nature Study.

When it's not quite so very cold, you may even be brave enough to face the elements on a regular basis. Did you know that Charlotte Mason encouraged mothers to take their children outdoors for nature walks even in the winter? Amanda offers us all a little encouragement with Nature Walks in Bad Weather & Charlotte Mason posted at Hearts and Trees.

Outdoor treks in January will necessitate some cozy clothing! Do you have a plan for keeping all of those sweet little fingers warm? Leila Cook presents Fleece mitten how-to posted at We Love Handicrafts!.

Sometimes, though, we are simply no match for the elements. On the coldest days, families with smaller children may just need to hunker down inside (see my sidebar for links to winter safety with little ones). But, we can always use any sub-zero days to snuggle up and read a little extra together. A cozy afternoon on the couch with a pile of blankies and a good book is always time well spent.

Swylv presents Bible as part of our Home Education posted at Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life.

Christie presents A simple recipe for success posted at Such a Time, saying, "Just because something is simple in its form doesn't mean its without depth of meaning. My reading aloud is a simple activity, but I believe it does mean a great deal to my kids ... in relationship and in education. Oh ... and there is a recipe for Snow Ice Cream!"

If you are suddenly struck with a creativity bug, you might even want to use this time to brush up (ha!) on your watercolor skills. Angi at Peakmore Academy presents this incredible post - Completed Watercolor Paintings! Wow :)

And, of course, you could also just do lessons ;) I think I get the vote for the blandest entry! My entry, One Tiny, But Powerful Detail (Copywork Part Six), is posted here at The Educational Life.

With a few less entries this week, this is the optimal time to go back through past editions of the carnivals and read any posts you may have missed! Yet another way to combat Cabin Fever!!! You can find past editions at the bottom of my left sidebar.

Happy Carnival Reading! And, may you have a warm-ish day sometime soon and plenty of time to savor it!

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
the charlotte mason blog carnival
using our
carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our

blog carnival index page

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